Weekend Quotes #7

This week’s Weekend Quotes revolve around the topic of strength. Strength means so many different things to so many different people. Strength is something that we should all try and uphold as we navigate our daily lives. Having strength to carry out whatever goal you set out to accomplish is an important part in accomplishing […]

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Ways to Save One Dollar a Week

Many of our readers are young professionals, fathers, mothers, students, people looking to make a career change and/or increase their professional development. Regardless of what industry you are in, where you want to work, or who you are, being able to save money and effectively use it is something we all should consider doing. With […]

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Do Your Taxes Today!

The April 17th deadline is fast approaching and your taxes will be due. Most people dread this deadline but I have found it very easy to overcome. Just create 1 folder and label it 2006 Taxes and as your 1099’s come in the mail just put them in this folder until you’re ready to go […]

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