It’s All About Relationships

It’s true: it’s all about relationships. And I’m not talking about the kind of endearing friendship that you might share between your spouse and yourself. I’m talking about professional, long-term business relationships. You see these kinds of relationships all the time: doctors, dentists, accountants, bankers, “your tax guy”, etc. Truly becoming successful within your career […]

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Five Easy Steps to Staying Motivated

Motivation. Motivation is not something that you should have every now and then. Motivating yourself to excel at what you do, or to be an example for others, is something that a true entrepreneur or dedicated employee will always be doing. It’s an ongoing process that includes all aspects of your professional life. Your attituide, […]

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Is Your Resume In Order?

Working on your resume and having a hard time making it all “stick” (so to speak)? It can be hard to create the perfect resume, especially when you consider the fact that you’ll be lucky to get more than 10 seconds from someone looking it over, so it’s important to do it right the first […]

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Don’t Deal- Do!

As an employer, I have often been mystified by the sheer variation in quality of the resumes that I receive when I accept applications. A few people submit a polished, well presented application/resume, and I feel that it does a good job of effectively allowing them to present themselves to me. Far more, however, submit […]

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Expanding Your Career Horizons

The business world of today is much different than it was a few short years ago. Even as little as five years ago, finding a job online was much more difficult. The job mega-sites had just began to become popular, and it was still uncommon for employers to post want ads on them. Prospective employees […]

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